Nightmare Cinema
Synopsis: “Nightmare Cinema” is a horror anthology film with five separate stories directed by Alejandro Brugués, Joe Dante, Mick Garris, Ryûhei Kitamura, and David Slade. The film takes place in a creepy theater called the “Rialto,” where five patrons are drawn to a screening of macabre films that play out their deepest fears. Each story explores different horror sub-genres, including classic slashers, psychological horror, and supernatural terror. The film delves into themes such as grief, guilt, obsession, and revenge, and concludes with a shocking finale. “Nightmare Cinema” pays homage to classic horror while delivering modern thrills, scares, and gore.
Directors: Alejandro Brugués, Joe Dante, Mick Garris, Ryûhei Kitamura, and David Slade
Featuring: Mickey Rourke
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Investor Pitch Deck
Created by Grady Justice