Boy From Nowhere

Synopsis: After losing his father and his home in a suspicious fire, a 14-year-old boy sets off to find his mother in the far-off valley of San Fernando. Along the way, he is befriended by a group of gangsters and soon finds himself joining a militia group in the mountains. Boy From Nowhere is about searching for an identity and surviving the storms of life without someone to watch out for you or something to hold on to.

Director: SJ Finlay
Starring: Gary Jumawan, Nack Nack Abugyan, Balugto Necosia, Waway Saway

Capeside Support
  • Executive Producers: Nikki Stier Justice & Grady Justice

  • Distributor: Nikki J. / Buffalo 8

  • Distribution, Executive Producer, Graphic Design, Marketing, One Sheet, P&A Strategies, PR Consulting
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