Loving Vincent
Synopsis: The film is a visual masterpiece, with each frame meticulously hand-painted in the style of Vincent van Gogh’s paintings. The story revolves around Armand Roulin, the son of a postman, who is tasked with delivering a letter from the late Vincent van Gogh to his brother Theo. As Armand delves into the life and tragic death of the renowned painter, he encounters various individuals who provide differing perspectives on Vincent’s personality, struggles, and mysterious demise. The film serves as a tribute to van Gogh’s life and art, exploring the depth and complexity of the artist while raising questions about his death. “Loving Vincent” was also nominated for the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, highlighting its artistic and storytelling achievements.
Director: Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman
Cast: Douglas Booth, Chris O’Dowd, Helen McCrory, Saoirse Ronan, Jerome Flynn, Robert Gulaczyk